Join me for in person Expressive Arts Workshops! New classes and workshops being added soon. Check back in January 2025!!

To register for workshops visit:

Introduction to Touch Drawing
Saturday December 7th 1-4 pm

Touch Drawing is a simple process accessible to all, artist and non-artist alike. Participants are first guided through a brief meditation and visual imagery to help them settle into and access their felt sense. We begin by rolling wet paint out on a board and placing a piece of paper on top. We draw with our hands on the dry side of the paper and watch forms and images appear.

There is no advanced planning about what to draw, no copying of images or attempting to draw something specific. Rather, the hands move in response to our internal sensations, feelings and impulses opening a channel to our creativity and bypassing our ego and critical thinking. We create several drawings in each session, as if documenting our moment to moment experience with lines, shapes and images. The process tends to bring about a state of calm and wonder as unexpected images begin to appear. Participants will be encouraged to engage in free or spontaneous writing to aid in the integration process. In later classes participants will learn how to mount their drawings, and have the option of going back into certain images with drawing materials should they choose to do so. Optional personal sharing in small groups will be encouraged as well. 

For more information and registration for all workshops,
please visit:

Or email me @

Finding Beauty in What's Broken

This workshop is a metaphor for finding beauty in what is broken and finding the seeds of new life in the dark of winter. 

This is an experiential mixed media class focused on impermanence and finding joy and beauty in unexpected places. Participants will be invited to metaphorically "let go" of something through breaking and repairing a ceramic object,
opening up to new possibilities through intention setting and the creative process.  

All art supplies will be provided.

For more information and registration for all workshops,
please visit:

Or email me @

Drawing from Within
Saturday November 2, 1-4 pm

This 3 hour class is an introduction to multiple ways we can use drawing techniques and methods to support personal expression.  This is not a “learn to draw” class but rather an exploration of the myriad ways mark making can be used as a vehicle for self expression.  We will explore the expressive qualities of line, shape and color and experience how drawing can change how we feel. Our focus is on the process, not on creating finished works of art; however, some very interesting and beautiful drawings will emerge!